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Ongoing Research Projects

The influence of alternative costs on the level of performance and the subjective sensation of cognitive effort in cognitive control tasks

Principal Investigator: mgr Michał Nowak

Between nationalism and cosmopolitanism: Perceptual and motivational factors shaping critical national attachment

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Maciej Sekerdej

What can we learn about conflict resolution based on the N2 component? Investigation of event-related potentials.

Principal Investigator: mgr Patrycja Kałamała

Wysiłek poznawczy w procesie samokontroli: rola procesu wartościowania oraz zmian w subiektywnym doświadczeniu zmęczenia poznawczego.

Principal Investigator: mgr Natalia Wójcik

Early and late neural correlates of consciousness

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Michał Wierzchoń, prof. UJ

Self-verification in the context of epistemic motivation

Principal Investigator: dr Ewa Szumowska

Mechanisms of language control underlying bilingual speech production: fMRI investigation

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Zofia Wodniecka-Chlipalska, prof. UJ

Predictors for carrying out prospective tasks in everyday life in the period of early and middle adulthood

Principal Investigator: mgr Maria Wójcik

Metacognition and cognitive control. The relationship between confidence judgements and performance monitoring.

Primary Investigator: dr Marta Siedlecka

Formal features of conscious representations

Primary Investigator: Simon Del Pin, MA