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VIII LO z Bielska-Białej objęte patronatem Instytutu Psychologii UJ

Call for Commentaries in "Behavioral and Brain Sciences"

Postdoctoral Position in Neuroscience of Bilingualism, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Applications are invited for a full-time post-doctoral position in the Psychology of Language and Bilingualism Lab at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. The position is funded by the Polish National Science Centre grant Mechanisms of language control underlying bilingual speech production: fMRI investigation (PI: Dr. Zofia Wodniecka; the Co-Investigators are: Dr. Marcin Szwed (Jagiellonian) and Dr. Jakub Szewczyk (Jagiellonian and Donders Institute) and Dr. Michele Diaz (Penn State University, USA).

kursy: „Talent Acquisition” oraz „Talent Management” - rekrutacja (recruitment)

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kurs: „Stereotypes & Prejudice” (egzamin poprawkowy - correction exam)

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