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Zaproszenie na wykład otwarty prof. Janet van Hell

Tytuł wykładu: „Understanding accented speech: the role of speaker identity and listener experience”

Serdecznie zapraszam na wykład prof. Janet van Hell (Pensylvania State University, USA), który odbędzie się w czwartek 27 czerwca br. o godz. 14.00 w sali 2.15.


Poniżej streszczenie wystąpienia i link z informacjami o Mówczyni. 

dr hab. Zofia Wodniecka-Chlipalska, prof. UJ


Janet G. van Hell

Department of Psychology and Center for Language Science

Pennsylvania State University


Current everyday communication is a cultural and linguistic melting pot. There are hundreds of millions of speakers of English as a second language in the world, so we are likely to encounter speakers who have a foreign accent when speaking English. We are also likely to interact with people from different ethnic backgrounds, who may or may not have a foreign accent. Research has shown that foreign-accented speech can challenge language comprehension. Although behavioral studies suggest that listeners adapt quickly to foreign-accented speech, neurocognitive studies have shown distinct neural mechanisms in processing foreign-accented relative to native-accented sentences. I will present a series of recent behavioral and EEG/ERP experiments in which we examined how speaker identity and listener experience affect the comprehension of foreign-accented and native-accented sentences. More specifically, we studied how faces cuing the speaker’s ethnicity (e.g., Asian face) create language expectations (here, Chinese-accented English), and how these biases impact the neural and cognitive mechanisms associated with the comprehension of American- and Chinese-accented English sentences. We also examined how listeners’ experience with foreign-accented speech modulates accented-speech comprehension by testing different groups of listeners (young and older adult monolinguals with little experience with foreign-accented speech, listeners immersed in foreign-accented speech, and bilingual (foreign-accented) listeners). Implications of the findings will be discussed by integrating neuropsychological theories of language comprehension with linguistic theories on the role of socio-indexical cues and linguistic stereotyping.